A Clay Target Shooting Team
NEW in 2024!
Ohio State Clay Target League: http://ohclaytarget.com/
Club Description:
The Kenston Sportsmans Club is Kenston’s clay target shooting team that will compete in the Ohio State High School Clay Target League. This is a high school sport that competes during the spring seasons and lasts for 9 weeks (see schedule below). The team shoots late mornings on Sundays and parents are encouraged to accompany their children and even participate after the students shoot their weekly requirement of 2 rounds. The cooperating gun club is C4 Gun Club located in Madison, Ohio. The season is concluded with a fun shoot/cookout on Sunday, May 26th, where coaches and families will celebrate the accomplishments of our club.
John Sandy is the head coach and is happy to answer any questions regarding the club. You can contact John via his email: [email protected]
Eligible Participants:
Any student 12 years of age or older in grades 6-12 is able to participate.
In order to participate and register for the league, a student must take the Ohio trap shooting safety course and pass the course exam. Students can also take the equivalent Ohio Hunters Safety course and exam as well. No student can register for the league without passing either one of these safety courses. Upon passing the safety course, students will receive a registration code that is linked to only them. Each school needs a minimum 5 participants to have a team and could have any number of participants after 5.
Coach Certification:
By law, every team must have 1 certified coach for every 10 participants. Coaches must take and complete the coach certification training and pass the exam.
Once a student has passed the safety course and is able to register for the league, the league registration fee of $40 includes a participant’s insurance coverage. Please review attached insurance form.
The cost to register for the Club will be $160. Two separate registrations required below.
The weekly fees are approximately $30 which consists at the minimum, 2 boxes of ammunition and 2 rounds of clay targets. Students can shoot more than 2 rounds if they choose to do so. The total cost to participate in a season is approximately $400 (can be more or less depending on the price of shells), calculated as such: $160 + $30 x 8 weeks = $400. Students will have to pay the $160 up front and then pay the weekly fees, week-to-week. This calculated cost does not take into consideration if a student does not have their own shooting equipment. Shotguns, ear protection, and safety glasses would be an additional cost to students that do not have the appropriate equipment.
Parent Responsibility:
Parents will be required to sign a waiver accepting responsibility for the following:
- The safe and secure storage of guns and ammunition.
- Purchasing ammunition for their child on a weekly basis.
- Transporting participants to/from the gun club, unless a student is of the driving age.
Cooperating Club:
C4 Training and Shooting Center, 6347 E Loveland Rd, Madison OH 44057
2024 Schedule:
- February 1: Team and student athlete registration opens.
- March 25: Team and student athlete registration closes Noon CT. Last day for athlete and/or team withdrawal for registration fee refund.
- March 31: Practice Week 1 begins
- April 7: Practice Week 2 begins
- April 14: Reserve Week begins
- April 15: Conferences announced and State Tournament registration opens
- April 21: Competition Week 1 begins
- April 28: Competition Week 2 begins
- May 5: Competition Week 3 begins
- May 1: State Tournament registration closes at noon CT
- May 12: Competition Week 4 begins
- May 19: Competition Week 5 begins
- May 26: Fun Week begins
- May 27: Season final results posted by 5:00pm CT
- May 28: National Championship registration opens for tier 1
- May 30: National Championship registration opens for tier 2 if applicable
- June 1-23: Tournaments – please visit the State Tournament page for more information.
- June 7-16: Virtual tournaments if applicable
- July 10-14: National Championship in Mason, Michigan