If you are a coach and having trouble entering game scores in the Quickscores App, please see screenshots below. Scroll down for directions to access the website.
QuickScores App
1) Select the game
*The selected game must be before current date/time

2) Tap the pencil icon at the top right of the screen
*You must be registered as a coach for that team to be authorized to modify game scores.

3) Tap in the Game Score box to enter the correct score
*Notice the teams listed at the top, the score on left is for team list at the top-left, the score on the right is for the team list at the top-right.

4) After the correct score has been entered, tap the Update button to initiate the Save process.

5) Tap Save to Confirm Changes.

QuickScores Website
1) Go to the QuickScores.com website
2) Login

3) Enter your email address & password
The email address will be the one that you registered with.

4) Post Scores
Click on the Post Scores link in the menu bar

Enter the scores for the desired game and click the Submit button