Mark your calendar for 2025 Geauga County Department on Aging Trash Pick-Up Days! Local townships, villages and city road crews will again work with the Dept. on Aging employees and volunteers to remove unwanted items from seniors Garages and yards during locally
scheduled pick-ups. Seniors must be registered with the Department on Aging for 2025 one week prior to the pick-up to be placed on the pickup list. Dates for Pick-up days are subject to change, so check the list each month.
Register early with the Geauga County Dept. on Aging! We are asking seniors who will be participating in the 2025 Trash Day Pick-up program to register NOW with the Dept on Aging. Seniors who complete their yearly registration with Dept. on Aging prior to the clean-up dates, only need to make a phone call before the trash pick-up cutoff date to be placed on the community pickup list. Please, no more than
10 items per household. Call(440) 279-2130 for guidelines
Tentative Dates:
Bainbridge Township : April 28-30
Auburn Township: June 5-6