2025 Kenston Sportsmans Club Deadline is March 20th

A Clay Target Shooting Team

2nd Year!

Ohio State Clay Target League: http://ohclaytarget.com/

Club Description:
The Kenston Sportsmans Club is Kenston’s clay target shooting team that will compete in the Ohio State High School Clay Target League. This is a high school sport that competes during the spring seasons and lasts for 9 weeks (see schedule below). The team shoots late mornings on Sundays and parents are encouraged to accompany their children and even participate after the students shoot their weekly requirement of 2 rounds. The cooperating gun club is C4 Gun Club located in Madison, Ohio. 

Dale Piloti is the head coach and is happy to answer any questions regarding the club. You can contact Dale via his email: [email protected]

Eligible Participants
Any student in grades 7-12 is eligible to participate in the Kenston Sportsmans Club. Students from other school districts are welcome to join the club as long as their school district does not have their own team.

***The club has a maximum capacity of 30 participants. Registration will open as follows:
March 6-10 – 2024 participants
March 11-13 – Students in 9th-12th grades
March 14-20 – Students in 7th grade and up

In the case of registration exceeding 30 participants, the criteria for eligible participants will be based upon previous club participation, grade level, residing school district. A full refund will be credited to registrants in this unfortunate case***


To register for the Kenston Sportmans Club, students must first register through Kenston Community Education no later than Thursday, March 20th.

The total cost to participate, if you have already completed an Ohio Hunter’s Safety Course, is $250.

First, students will register through KCE ($200). Next, the coach will give the team ID and passcode to the participant in order to register for the league ($50).
Students will then go to https://claytargetgo.com/ to register for the league. Registration for the league opens February 4th and closes March 24th.

***Each student must complete an Ohio Hunter’s Safety Course to register for the league ***

Weekly Schedule/Location
The season begins Sunday, March 30th and concludes Sunday, May 18th. We will be shooting at Geneva Gun Club, located at 614 Atkins Rd, Geneva, OH 44041. Shooting time will be 10:00am – 12:00pm. In the case of unfavorable weather conditions, we will reschedule another time during that week.  Sunday is the day for everyone to shoot as a team. For students that are unable to attend Sundays, Thursdays will be the make-up day from 5:00pm until dusk.

Necessary Equipment
12 or 20 gauge Ammunition (2 cases = 20 boxes)
Safety Glasses
Ear muffs/plugs
***Students joining the club should have every intention of purchasing their own shotgun within the first couple weeks of shooting. Other participants have been gracious to allow others to use their own guns, but this is optional. The club does not have loaner guns.***

Dale Politi – Head Coach
Doug Miller – Assistant Coach
Roger Tayfel – Assistant Coach
Please feel free to email Dale Politi with any other questions you may have: [email protected]

2025 Spring Schedule
March 6: Student athlete registration opens.
March 24: Registration closes Noon CT. Last day for athlete and/or team withdrawal for registration fee refund.
March 30: Practice Week 1 begins
April 6: Practice Week 2 begins
April 13: Practice Week 3 begins (Reserve Week)
April 14: Conferences announced and State Tournament registration opens
April 20: Competition Week 1 begins
April 27: Competition Week 2 begins
May 4: Competition Week 3 begins
May 1: State Tournament registration closes at NOON CT
May 11: Competition Week 4 begins
May 18: Competition Week 5 begins
May 25: Optional, yet strongly encouraged, practice for the State Tournament
May 26: Season final results posted by 5:00pm CT
June 1: ***FUN WEEK BANQUET***
June: State Tournament(s) – Visit the website for more information.


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