Cancellations | Changes | Closures

Aurora’s Rainout Line (330) 655-6410

  • CANCELLED: MS Rec Basketball on 3/21/25

    The Middle School Rec Basketball games scheduled for Friday, 3/21/25 have been cancelled. Many teams will not have enough players due to spring break. We will work with the coaches to get these games rescheduled before the end of the season.  Please monitor your game schedule for the latest updates.

  • UPDATE: HS Rec Basketball Draft Moved to 2/20/25

    Due to scheduling conflicts and illness, we have to move the KCE High School Rec Basketball Draft Night to tomorrow, Thursday, February 20, 2025 at 7pm in the Kenston Conference Room at Gardiner Center. Thank you for understanding.


    Coaches & Players, ALL practices and events are cancelled for today, Sunday, 2/9. The parking lot and sidewalks are a sheet of ice and unsafe. Thank you for understanding and stay safe today!

  • CANCELLED 2/9 11am Gardiner Game

    Coaches & Players, The scheduled 11am game at Gardiner Center has been cancelled for today, Sunday, 2/9. The parking lot and sidewalks at Gardiner are a sheet of ice and unsafe.  Kenston Maintenance department is working on salting the grounds as this email is being sent. Please monitor your email for possible reschedule date. Thank…

  • CANCELLED 2/6/25 – ALL KCE Activities

      ALL KCE activities are cancelled and the KCE office will be closed on Thursday, February 6th due to the closure of Kenston Local Schools. Please monitor your email in the next few days regarding makeup days.

  • CHANGE 2/3/25: Soccer Foot Skills Moved to AUX

      Due to Kindergarten registration, Soccer Foot Skills 5:30pm & 6:3opm sessions have been moved to the Auxillary Gym at the high school for tonight, Monday, February 3, 2025.

  • Kenston Tennis Courts Closed for the Season

    The Kenston Tennis Courts are now closed until approximately March 1, 2025.